+254 741 581 267

About Us

About Us

The John Charles Medical Training College is a private institution of high learning established through a board resolution mandated to train in different health science disciplines and develop healthcare service men and women to serve the growing health needs of communities in Kenya, East Africa, and global nations.


To produce visionary, innovative, and professional healthcare workers


An exemplary institution in training and developing visionary, innovative, and professional healthcare providers.

Our Strategic Plan

The John Charles Medical Training College is guided by a multi-year dynamic and flexible blueprint strategic plan to advance health care education, innovations, research, and patient care.

Core Values


That is reflected in the innovative conduct, advancement of education, research, and quality patient care.


Integrity that resembles the very high standards of ethical behavior and high moral character


Respect for all persons who are affiliated with, and come into contact with John Charles Medical College, staff, students, parents, partners, and stakeholders.


Cooperation is manifested in collegial communication and collaboration.